Join us for an information session about the Child Advocacy Writing Program:
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 12:30 – 1:20 PM (EST)
23 Everett Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Burritos served.
Please RSVP here to help with food ordering.
The Child Advocacy Writing Program is a unique opportunity for all students (JDs, LLMs, and SJDs) who are completing writing projects on topics related to children and the law—such as abuse & neglect, foster care, adoption, education, and juvenile justice—to meet with other writers throughout the fall and spring to share their paper ideas, writing progress, and to get feedback from one another. In the spring semester, Writing Program participants may present on their chosen topic to an invited audience. The information session is also a chance for students to get to know others at HLS who share an interest in children’s issues. There is a writing group credit available for students who qualify under specific circumstances (registration deadline Oct. 14). Writing Program instructors, Crisanne Hazen and Mike Gregory, will be available to answer questions related to the structure and goals of the program.
The instructors will also briefly discuss the newly launched Youth Advocacy and Policy Lab, including courses and upcoming events.