Click below for video recordings of CAP’s course, “Art of Social Change: Child Welfare, Education, and Juvenile Justice,” offered in fall 2015. Please note that not all classes were recorded, and some portions of particular videos have been edited. Harvard Law School is committed to the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities. For accommodations to access the content of archived video recordings on this page, please contact [email protected].
Week 2: Early Childhood Adversity and Its Life-Long Impact on Brain and Behavioral Development, September 17, 2015
Guest Lecturer:
Charles Nelson, Professor of Pediatrics, Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Education, Harvard University; Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research, Boston Children’s Hospital
Week 3: Key Issues in Child Welfare Policy: Under-Intervention vs. Over-Intervention, the Relationship between Poverty and Maltreatment, and the Role of Research, September 24, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Kristen Shook Slack, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Social Work
Jill Duerr Berrick, Zellerbach Family Foundation Professor, UC Berkeley, School of Social Welfare
Week 4: Youth Homelessness: Problems and Solutions, October 1, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Neil MacInnes-Barker, Founder and Executive Director, Voice US and IPCNOW.ORG (lecture not available)
Sam Greenberg, Co-Executive Director, Y2Y Harvard Square
Sarah Rosenkrantz, Co-Executive Director, Y2Y Harvard Square
Representatives from Youth On Fire (lecture not available)
Week 5: Improving Educational Outcomes for Foster Youth, October 8, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Emily Kernan, Associate Director, NYU Law School Public Interest Law Center, and former Staff Attorney, Project Achieve, Advocates for Children of New York
Jesse Hahnel, Executive Director, National Center for Youth Law, and Founder and former Director, FosterEd Initiative, National Center for Youth Law
Jessica Berry, Deputy Director, Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts
Week 6: Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth: Individual Advocacy, Intervention, and Systemic Reform, October 15, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Erin Corcoran, Professor of Law, University of New Hampshire School of Law
Elizabeth Badger, Senior Attorney, Kids in Need of Defense
Sandra Cañas, Youth Programs Director, Cambridge Community Services
Week 7: Education Reform: Community Organizing, Policy Advocacy, and Systemic Reform Litigation, October 22, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
John Affeldt, Managing Attorney, Public Advocates Inc.
Roberta Furger, Senior Writer and Director of Outreach Communications, Learning Policy Institute, and former Director, Research and Writing, PICO California
Week 8: Education Reform: The Campaign to Expand High-Quality Early Education in Massachusetts, October 29, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Amy O’Leary, Director, Early Education for All Campaign, Strategies for Children
Alice Peisch, Chairwoman, Joint Committee on Education, Massachusetts House of Representatives
Jason Sachs, Director, Department of Early Childhood, Boston Public Schools
Week 10: Lawyering for Youth: Individual Representation and Systemic Change, November 12, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Michael Dsida, Deputy Chief Counsel, Children and Family Law Division, Committee for Public Counsel Services
David Deakin, Assistant District Attorney and Chief, Family Protection and Sexual Assault Bureau, Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office
Joshua Dohan, Director, Youth Advocacy Division, Committee for Public Counsel Services
Week 12: Youth Violence: BAM! WOW! and the Practice of Reducing Youth Violence, December 3, 2015
Guest Lecturers:
Anthony Ramirez-Di Vittorio, Founder, Becoming a Man (BAM), and Manager, BAM Training Academy, Youth Guidance
Anthony Watson, Director, Becoming a Man (BAM), Youth Guidance
Gail Day, Program Manager, Working on Womanhood (WOW), Youth Guidance